Annie Zaenen is a Principal Scientist at the Paolo Alta Research Center (PARC), a subsidiary of Xerox Corporation, and a consulting Professor at Stanford University. She received her Ph.D. in linguistics from Harvard University. She worked at MIT under a post-doctoral fellowship and then taught syntax at the University of Pennsylvania, at Harvard, and at Cornell. She is a past manager of the natural language area (MLTT) at Xerox Research Centre Europe (XRCE). She has made contributions in a variety of areas of linguistics, including lexical functional grammar (LFG) theory, finite state technology, shallow parsing, cross-language information retrieval and the combination of symbolic and statistical methods for term alignment and term extraction.
Additional information on Professor Zaenan can be found at:
and at:
An interview was conducted with Professor Zaenan at MIT on July 25, 2005, by Dr. Janet Baker. The text of this interview has not yet been transcribed, but a brief excerpt of the recorded interview is available.
Brief excerpt of recorded interview.